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Terms of Use

This website is for general informational purposes only. The information and materials contained on this website is provided to you on an “as is” and “as available” basis and may include, but is not limited to opinions, analysis, forecasts, projections and expectations (collectively referred to as “Opinions”). Such information has been obtained from various sources including those in the public domain, are merely expressions of belief and this website has been prepared on the basis of information and/or Opinions that are believed to be correct at the time the website was prepared. Quin River Advisers Sdn Bhd (Registration No. 202101008261 (1408560-H)) (“Quin River Advisers”) and /or Quin River Capital Sdn Bhd (Registration No. 202101001635 (1401933-H)) (“Quin River Capital”)(Collectively "Quin River Group") makes no expressed or implied representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any such information and/or Opinions contained on this website.
By using this website, you expressly agree that such usage is at your sole risk. Neither Quin River Group, its affiliates, nor any of their respective officers, directors, shareholders, partners, members, employees, agents, third party content providers, designers, contractors, distributors, merchants, sponsors, licensors or the like (collectively, “Representatives”) warrant that the use of this website will be uninterrupted and error-free.
Neither Quin River Group, its affiliates nor their Representatives make any representations or warranties of any kind, either express or implied, and hereby disclaim any and all such warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement to the fullest extent permitted by law. Quin River Group and its affiliates or their Representatives also disclaims any warranties for the security, reliability, timeliness, and performance of this website.
As with any forms of investments, financial products or services, the investment, financial products or services mentioned on this website (if any) carries with it various risks. Although attempts have been made to disclose all possible risks involved, the investments, financial products or services may still be subject to inherent risk that may arise beyond our reasonable contemplation. The investments, financial products or services may be wholly unsuited for you, if you are averse to the risk arising out of and/ or in connection with the investments, financial products or services. By using this website, you expressly agree that Quin River Group is not acting as an adviser or agent to you, and Quin River Group does not make any representation or warranty that any investments, financial products or services will or are likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those achieved in the past, or that significant losses will be avoided.  You expressly agree that you will make your own independent assessments of the information or materials presented on this website and shall not treat such information or materials as advice relating to legal, accounting, taxation or investment matters and shall obtain independent advice from your own advisers.
Under no circumstances should any information or materials presented on this website be construed as an offer to buy or sell, or invitation to subscribe for, any securities, financial instruments, investments or other services. Neither Quin River Group, its affiliates or their Representatives are to have any liability (including liability to any person by reason of negligence or negligent misstatement) from any statement, opinion, information or matter (expressed or implied) arising out of, contained in or derived from or any omission from this presentation, except liability under statute that cannot be excluded.
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Governing Law
These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Malaysian courts.

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